Saturday, 1 June 2013

Reading Round-up:

24. 'A Storm of Swords 1. Steel and Snow' by George R.R. Martin: [5/5] A great addition to a brilliant on-going series.

25. 'Memory's Wake' by Selina Fenech: [5/5] A beautiful Young Adult fantasy title including images drawn by the author.

26. 'If I Stay' by Gayle Forman: [5/5] A sweet, thought-provoking Young Adult novel about life and death that had me in tears.

27. 'Darkhouse' by Karina Halle: [5/5] A seductively scary piece of writing. A brilliant opening to a series.

28. 'No Plot, No Problem' by Chris Baty: [4/5] A kick up the arse for flagging novelists.

29. 'Paper Towns' by John Green: [5/5] A deep and meaningful Young Adult novel that still manages to retain some humor despite its serious subject matter.

30. 'The Shining' by Stephen King: [5/5] A creepy psychological horror that will have you hooked.

31. 'Red Fox' by Karina Halle: [5/5] A brilliant follow-up to 'Darkhouse'. A fantastic continuation of the Experiment in Terror series.

32. 'The Benson' by Karina Halle: [4/5] An Experiment in Terror novella that manages to pack a scary punch despite its short length.

33. 'Rage' by Stephen King as Richard Bachman: [3/5] A now-banned book about a school shooting that really gets you thinking.

34. 'The Moth Diaries' by Rachel Klein: [5/5] A psychological horror that offers some substance to the Vampire saturated Young Adult market.

35. 'Horns' by Joe Hill: [5/5] A cleverly plotted mystery imbued with some amazing supernatural elements. Not all that scary but horror in the truest sense.

I also read two short stories this month which I didn't blog about because they weren't really that outstanding. If you're interested, they were 'New Girl (Anti-Heroes #1) by Louise Bohmer and 'NightmareZ Asylum' by Irma Geddon.

Looking back, it seems as though I really enjoyed the books I read in May. There are a whole bunch of five star ratings there. I can't actually believe I read 14 books either. That's got to be a record for me. And it takes me to 35 books read this year, which means that I'm only five books away from completing my personal target of completing 40 books in 2013. I'm not certain yet whether I'll up my goal or just consider it completed and enjoy reading as many books as I can. I'll have to wait and see how I feel.

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